Zesty Community Update #3 (Dec 2021)

3 min readJan 2, 2022


By Zesty Team
December 29, 2021

Hope everyone is having fun with the festivities this December! December has been an eventful month. Cool things are being built.


In our third community update, we’re excited to share current progress with Zesty:

  • Market Activity
  • Improving Zesty Beacons
  • Codeless Conduct Hackathon
  • Launch of ZestyFrens

Market Activity

Since our last update a month ago, the ZestyMarket contract on Polygon has paid out another 1,597 USDC to creators, to a total of 5,042 USDC. This is an increase of 46% this month! To get the latest numbers, as always, you can find a link to our Dune Analytics here.

Christmas has brought on a surge of new headset users and an increase in impressions on spaces. We anticipate more users in the upcoming year as mainstream adoption of XR technologies begin to increase.

Improving Zesty Beacons

Zesty Beacons are a way for space owners to track the impression counts on their spaces so that potential buyers have a way of guaging the fair price for renting spaces. Zesty Beacons are still in alpha as we are still experimenting with various technology stacks right now. The current system is still in development and is being built on OrbitDB and IPFS. Feel free to approach the Zesty Team if you would like to learn more or help out with this.

Due to the increase in traffic, we have introduced a multi-node architecture which would make the system more fault tolerant. However, there have been quirks in the way OrbitDB behaves and replication has not been always reliable. The system will require more work before it is ready to be released publicly.

Codeless Conduct Hackathon

We are proud to be sponsors of the Codeless Conduct Hackathon that happened on December 11, 2021. Codeless Conduct is a hackathon targeted at non-coders who want to help out with Web3. Bounties ranged from design, community building, token design, and more.

We have airdropped cool collectibles made by Gideon, Hol&Rone in cryptovoxels to the Zesty Community. Check your wallets for the cool glasses! More about the prize winners and bounties can be found here.

ZestyFrens Launch

ZestyFrens are a set of avatar collectibles that are given out to contributors and participants in the ZestyMarket ecosystem. They should be usable in VR experiences like VRChat and NeosVR, the VRM/GLB and FBX file will be part of the NFT. The avatars can be used for Vtubing too!

The initial distribution has been airdropped on Christmas. Participants in the Zesty Market contract and people who have requested Bob to notify them had their addresses snapshot.

The ZestyFrens avatars are still in progress but you should be able to see a placeholder NFT image in your accounts. They look like this.

If you did not receive the avatar collectibles fret not as we will be announcing more activities where you can win a ZestyFren.

Work With Us

Zesty is opening up for more contributors to help out with the project. Feel free to checkout the github bounty page for more information.

Join our discord if you have queries, and want to vibe with us!




Written by JSeam

I’m an organism who makes music and codes. URL:https://jseam.com

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